Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

So grateful to those who gave their lives for their country. I may not be an American but with my husband being a Marine (he was also in the Air Force briefly) I have a lot of respect for the men and women serving. Politics and religious beliefs aside, we should all show support and love for our troops.

Last night we went out with friends to watch UFC. It was fun and it's nice to have people to watch it with again because for a while there it was usually just my husband and I! Not that that's horrible or anything, haha. Here are some pictures from yesterday. The last few were taken by a friend.

 (shorts/top H&M, shoes Target)

I liked my eye makeup. I loosely followed this tutorial. The main colour you see is MAC pigment in "Teal".

 The girls and I.

 Husband and I... there was a lot of booze and wrestling that night. I guess that's what happens when you go watch UFC at a bar haha This picture makes me smile.


  1. Oh yes. Definitely solute the soldiers. Your eye shadow is so pretty.
    Seattle Beauty Fashion Blog

  2. Looks like you had a great weekend! I only saw the prelims but they were great! I heard all those heavyweight fights were really good too!

    The makeup looks great as always and I love that pic of you and your hubby! So cute!! You are such a great couple! :)

    I agree and am so thankful for all those brave men and women who fight for us.


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