Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 12: Stripes

31 Day Nail Challenge

Today's challenge is also a Monday Mani. The challenge is stripes and the Monday mani theme is plaid so it worked! I've been wanting to try plaid for a while. Uhh, yeah, it's a pain in the ass. haha So many stripes! It's hard to get them all even and mine came out a bit thick. Still, I do like the overall look and from arms length it's pretty sweet.

First I want to show you the base I used because it's awesome! My search for the perfect nude is over, folks. This is Julep "Pippa" and it is opaque in ONE COAT. Plus it's just the shade of nude I wanted, slightly pink but not overly.  

before cleanup!

I used my go to black and white polishes, WnW "Black Creme" and Sinful Colors "Snow Me White" and then the reddish orange is Essie "Alligator Purse".

I basically stole this mens sweater from my husband after I gave it to him, haha. In my defense, he did not want it and never wore it. I did alter it some. It never fits quite right, it seems, but I still like it. I ended up losing the necklace and wearing a collared shirt underneath which I liked a lot more but of course I didn't get any pictures of that.

Also, I need new jeans. I haven't bought any new ones in almost two years and there are all a size or so too big now.

 (boots, jeans Forever 21, sweater Old Navy  mens, necklace Premier Designs)


  1. I'm kind of obsessed with plaid which means I'm now kind of obsessed with your nails. I have no idea how you got it to look that perfect but they look amazing! I'm jealous!


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