Monday, January 23, 2012

A Healthy Weekend

I had such a fun weekend! Not only that but I tried something new... a 5K obstacle race!  It was the Diva Dash put on by Shape magazine, for women only down in Mission Bay.  I signed up along with two friends.  We volunteered Friday which was exhausting but fun. We spend two hours carrying bike racks that must of weighed over shoulder is still sore and below you can see my bruised hip from it banging against it. :D That got us free entries into the race Saturday. We did the 10:30am wave.  We agreed to stick together, not focus on finish time but just to have fun! One friend was having a tough time so my other friend and I would jog in place to wait for her or run backwards.... all in wet sand since this was on a beach! The obstacles weren't very difficult but were fun. Overall, a great time.  We got a free tshirt (in picture), bag, Shape magazine, Asics socks and Origins sampler.

it was raining all day so we kept our sweaters on until race time!
my friends and I 10min into the race (I'm the tall one in the middle)
finish line!
feeling strong :D
my hip hehe

I loved it so much that I am signing up for the Warrior Dash on March 25th! It is just over 3miles, so similar distance, but the obstacles are tougher. My husband is going to race too!  So are the friends who did the Diva Dash with me plus the one's husband (who took the pictures of us above).  Fun!!  This time, I am going to try to get a good time and really push myself. It's fun to stay as a group but I really want to challenge myself. I know my husband will kick ass at it, he's a very good runner and has done plenty of obstacle courses being in the Marine Corps!

On Sunday I grocery shopped for my 10 day juice cleanse which starts today! I made a Facebook group with info/recipes and such. You are welcome to join. Check it out here!

 Also, yesterday, my husband said to me (out of the blue) that he thinks he may want to become vegetarian!! I remained calm but inside I was like OMGYESAWESOMEYESYES! hahah I believe that vegetarian/vegan is something people really have to come into on their own so I never wanted to push him in that direction. I think limiting your animal protein intake is very important so him becoming vegetarian would, in my opinion, be much healthier for him which is why I would love for him to do it! Since I'm vegan I already don't eat meat so it'd be nice to not have to cook it for him either.  He will still eat some animal products like yogurt/cheese etc but he doesn't drink cows milk, eats way more veggies than he used to and some vegan meals including vegan substitutes...  so it makes me so relieved to know he is lowering his risk of so many diseases.  He is going to commit to it for a month to see.  I did the same thing when I was considering a vegan life style.


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