Sunday, April 1, 2012

2012 Warrior Dash

Yesterday I ran the Warrior Dash which is a 5K obstacle course. SO MUCH FUN. This was my second 5K obstacle run this year. I love them!  It's challenging but fun. You get to run but also climb, crawl, jump etc. This one was a very muddy one. We crawled under things, ran over tired, climbed many many tall structures, slid down a giant slip n slide into the lake, waded through lake (up to my chin and I'm tall!) and climbed over some floating blocks, jumped over fire, crawled on our bellies in mud under barbed wire...and so on! haha I've decided to do a 10K mud run in June but am really training hard for that because it's a longer distance than I'm used to. I'm excited!

Here are a few pictures. My husband did the race with me. Two of my friends also came. We all ran at our own pace though. It took me 48 minutes because I was kinda slow with the obstacles plus unless you are at the front of your wave, you get stuck waiting behind people at some obstacles. It's okay though! My husband did it in 26 minutes and last we checked, was 28th overall! That is 28 our of over 9700 people! Then again he does obstacle courses all the time with his military training, haha. If he did it again, I think he could possibly win it.

headed to the start line/viewing area. There were around 700 people per wave and a wave every 30min!

me before
me after!

husband before
husband after

I was impressed that my nail polish lasted haha

Our group :)

We got to wash off in the lake but I was still very muddle. I have scratches all over and my elbows/knees are cut up from the mud pit :D

Bear Naked was a sponsor and would take a before/after pic. We only got the after!

Have you ever done an obstacle race? I highly recommend it! There are people at all different fitness levels who do them. The Diva Dash I did prior to this was much easier where as the next one I do (Camp Pendleton Mud Run) will be harder! I think one of the toughest ones is Tough Mudder, yikes!  I plan on doing a few more this year. Next year I might train for a half marathon. I've never been a great runner (still am not) but I love making these goals and completing them. Half marathon is on my bucket list so why not? I'm not in it to beat everyone, just to do my personal best!


  1. Congrats on participating and finishing, that is a huge accomplishment!! That is such a cool event and something I would definitely love to do!! The one I've been following closely is called "Run For your Lives" and it is a similar 5k run through an obstacle course but with the added bonus of zombies chasing you!! How fun!

    How did you train for this event? I've been thinking about my fitness goals and came up with a few new changes I think and would love to know what kind of training you do for a run/obstacle course?

    Congrats again!

  2. Yeah I might do that zombie run! haha Some friends and I are thinking about it.

  3. That's awesome! There are none in my area as of right now (I can't believe there is nothing in NY yet, so crazy!) but hopefully they will add a location or maybe I can do the Orlando one and visit my friend while I'm there. I definitely want to try something though! I love your photos from the run! Looks like a blast!


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