Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Quick note to say we aren't moving! haha Good ol' Marine Corps, always changing their minds. It's good though because now my husband gets to do what he wanted/re-enlisted to do! He'll go to the Recon prep course soon and then Recon course early July.  The only bummer is I was looking forward to the  2-3 bedroom houses we could have lived in over in Twenty Nine Palms! haha We're just in a 1 bedroom apartment here but I have been looking around at other places; we want to move eventually.

Thought I'd share a makeup look I did using some new products the other day. I will have reviews on the POP products and the concealer soon!

Pop Magnet primer (tried a sample, fell in love)
elf brow kit
Sheer Cover concealer Light/Medium
Everyday Minerals Blush in Corner Office
bronzer... forget the brand because it's rubbed off
Tarte Amazonian Clay foundation in Light Medium

elf primer (seriously the best I've tried...better than the Urban Decay one!)
elf eyeshadow in Partier
MAC pigment in Rule
Pop Eye Magnet Shade in Naughty Nude
Urban Decay 24/7 eyeliners in Bourbon and Zero
Benefit Buxom mascara

Pop Stay Stray in Petal Pout
elf duo stick (not pictured)

and a quick shot of my outfit.

 (dress Target, belt thrifted, shoes Old navy)


  1. I have been stalking your blog for a while. I randomly found it reading another blog...and it linked me to another blog...and linked me to another blog...and eventually ended up on yours. then I was like...holy cow...I know her husband! I work with her husband! I looked through your vegan cookbook today at work to find something to make for our potluck on Friday so you have something to eat there. The yam recipe in there looks amazing! I went to the farmer's market by my house today and got all the ingredients. It's my first vegan dish, so I hope I don't screw it up. I'm substituting vegetable margarine with a coconut spread I found. It is all vegan...tastes just like butter with a really small hint of coconut. Can't wait to try it out. i'm making a test batch tonight with my daughter! I love your blog!

  2. That's great that you don't have to move! I'm so happy for you! Your pics are gorgeous, your makeup is flawless as always!

  3. i love your necklace! and that dress is fantastic with the belt! thanks for the fashion inspiration!

  4. Love the products on you, you look great :)

    Stop by sometime, Natalie xo

  5. loving those products, girl! that make-up is flawless :)
    xo TJ

    1. A nice and beautiful post for the readers. Valuable information has been dislosed by the blog. A must read.


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