Thursday, May 3, 2012

Juice Cleanse Recap

Okay, finally a recap of my latest juice cleanse! I based the recipes/drinks off of the Cooler Cleanse ones, just to try something different.

Each day I'd start with some water with either lemon or apple cider vinegar.  Then the order of drinks went like this:
Small green juice (kale, spinach, parsley, apples/oranges)
Either grapefruit + mint, ginger + pineapple OR watermelon + lime
Large green juice (spinach, kale, parsley, apple/pear, lemon, ginger, cucumber, dandelion greens, cucumber)
Either coconut water or "lemonade" (lemon, lime, water, agave nectar, cayenne pepper)
Red juice (beets, carrots, apples)
Homemade nut milk (I did almond)

So it was very straight forward and easy to know what to make. It was only five days so I didn't find it too repetitive but I did end up changing up some recipes like adding oranges to the small green juice. The juices were all very delicious! The only one I didn't love was the lemonade.  This was the easiest cleanse I've done so far! No crazy cravings or anything. The cleaner you normally eat, the easier the cleanse will be on your body, fyi!

I lost just under 5lbs in five days which is generally how much I lose on cleanses. I wasn't sure if I'd lose that much because my starting weight was pretty low (BMI 20.5). I normally gain back a couple pounds which I already have. I don't do it for weightloss though, I just figure it's worth mentioning because people are always curious about that part!  It makes your stomach crazy flat.  Obviously it's temporary unless you work at it (even then, it's somewhat temporary) but if you have an event coming up and want to look amaaazing, a juice cleanse before hand might be a good idea.

I have a Facebook group for Juice Cleanses. Lots of information and support! Feel free to join here.


  1. Your juices looks lovely and yummy! I also love your glasses, especially that tall, curved one! So pretty! Your results were great and you look amazing! Congrats on a successful cleanse!


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