Friday, May 18, 2012

Juicing and Eating

 I'm going to put off the cookbook reviews just one more week so I can try even more recipes!  This week I used my juicer (Omega 8004) a ton! It arrived last Tuesday and I've used it at least once a day since. I'm so in love! So much better than my old juicer (Juiceman, a discontinued model).

Had this smoothie with spinach at the pool one afternoon

Husband's packed lunch one day

Really yummy juice with a wide variety of veggies 

Strawberry banana "ice cream". It's literally just frozen strawberries and banana put through the juicer. SO GOOD. Definitely my go to snack for hot days how. I could never get this consistency in my blender but you can do it that way.

Green wheatgrass juice

Green juice :)

Sour but tasty!

Made these big containers of salad stuff for making quick salads!

This weeks shopping trip. Well, obviously this is more than a weeks worth. We generally shop once a week (don't need to this weekend though) but I am trying to buy mostly produce that often and limit the rest. Yeah, we go through a lot of produce in a week! That stuff is about half gone except the watermelon which I haven't sliced open yet. I bought almond milk instead of making it because we go through it faster when having cereal. That Freedom cereal is gluten free and delicious, hehe. The Tropicos are the best "Fruit Loop" knock off I've had that is made with natural flavouring. Better than the other ones I shared here. That bread brand is my favourite and I finally tried the wraps; they're great! Husband and I are rather addicted to Kombucha now...damn it for being so expensive.  Some soy yogurt for husband's lunches, bars that were on sale, oats and almonds. 

There are a LOT of exercise myths out there. I came across this picture today and was pretty impressed at how many it covered!


  1. Wow Sophie, your food is so inspiring! You are definitely inspiring me in my training and my upcoming cleanse. I really love that you include more food and fitness in your blog now. Your produce is so fresh and beautiful and I love banana soft serve! The addition of strawberries sounds perfect :) Thanks for the inspiration!


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