Friday, June 1, 2012

Lots of Eats

I have an extra long "Friday Foodie" post today since I didn't do one last week.  In June, I'm taking Oh She Glows up on her challenge to have a salad every day! Great way to get raw veggies, to not have to necessarily use the oven on hot nights, to find new salad recipes etc.

A favourite meal of mine. Did I already post this? Hmm. Well, it's my rip off of Chipotle. I add cilantro and lime to brown rice then top with beans, veggies (here I did raw tomato/onion and sauteed bell peppers) topped with guacamole. Husband and I looove this.

Simple pancakes (my go to recipe) topped with vanilla almond yogurt and strawberry (just strawberries run through the food processor). 


"junk food" night. I had some pizza dough in the freezer so I used that. I topped it with marinara, eggplant bacon and other veggies. It was so good! I really like this pizza dough recipe, might be my new "go to" one. It's from Chloe's Kitchen.

husband and I's meals at Hill St Cafe. I had the vegan chili and we shared some of the salad.

more homemade banana strawberry soft serve

ate some more of that naan fail topped with avocado and pepper + fresh juice post workout

pesto pasta with roasted veggies. another favourite of mine.

got a good deal on these vegan meatballs (Gardein) so I gave them a try. they were a bit mushy but the flavour was good.

tofu scramble wrap

homemade hamburger buns! the taste was a bit off and they were pretty dense so I'll have to try it again. breads are so finicky...  

grocery trip last week

homemade soy chai latte using organic loose leaf chai mix 

simple burrito on a homemade tortilla shell

this broccoli salad (I added some fake bacon) I made for my husband's work potluck

new favourite tortilla recipe! I've made it twice already. it's super easy, cheap and they turn out perfectly.

making this raw tart. I found it a bit too sweet, honestly. I think I'll stick to the date/almond crust but I did really like the coconut cream! And of course the chocolate on top (not pictured because I forgot to get a finished product picture haha) was delicious. Anyone who tried it told me they loved it. I find that is generally the case with my vegan cooking. Some people are afraid to try it but those who do, enjoy it. *Shrug*

Pancakes again. I tend to make these Sat or Sun mornings. 

I hadn't found a vegan french toast recipe I loved...until now. Love this recipe! I thought it wasn't going to cook through because the "batter" was so thick but it turned out great. Very crispy and delicious. It's from 1000 Vegan Recipes. Yeah, I like raw fruit on my breakfasts.

So I made the spinach artichoke dip from Chloe's Kitchen but used firm tofu instead of soft... haha Silly because I even had soft tofu in the fridge! But it was a happy accident because it tastes like a quiche!!! I have to make this again in a crust, it'll be amazing. I haven't had a vegan quiche yet but it was one of my favourite things pre-vegan so I'm excited. It's good without the crust too if you want to leave out the wheat. :)

Ate some of the spinach artichoke (let's just say quiche) with homemade tortilla chips

got the idea for this salad from Blogilates who is eating vegan for two weeks. It's quinoa, tomato, red bell pepper, edamame and a simple dressing of maple syrup, dijon mustard and lime. Yum!

Was craving something sweet the other day... obviously these didn't rise as much as they should have haha but they were still delicious. I made a coconut icing for them and used craisins in the filling. I made half the recipe but we still ate these way too quickly! Next time I should just stick half in the freezer :P

Wrap. This is a meal I make a lot because it's so easy and you can use up leftovers. I added some of the quinoa salad, black beans, extra edamame, some hummus, spinach and lettuce.

AlsoI'm touched that Sarah over at What I Eat Vegan nominated me for...

the Food Stories Award for Excellence in Storytelling!

Here’s how it works:
1. The nominee should visit the award site ( and leave a comment indicating that they have been nominated and by whom. (This step is so important because it’s the only way our judges will know who is being considered for the monthly presentation).
2. The Nominee should thank the person that nominated them by posting & including a link to their blog.
3. Share one random thing about yourself in your blog post.
4. Select at least five other bloggers that you enjoy reading their stories and nominate them for the award.
5. Notify your  nominees by leaving a comment on their blog, including a link to the award site (

One random thing? My husband and I's pets are named after famous men. William Wallace and Forrest (Gump). haha It wasn't really intentional we just loved those names!

I nominate...

  1. Never Home Maker
  2. Raw Clarity
  3. Oh Ladycakes
  4. Rawified
  5. Spabettie


  1. So many amazing meals to comment on! That Chipotle bowl is what inspired my Mexican Quinoa Bowl! It looked so good! I love all of your homemade breads! Nothing beats homemade bread. The raw tart and cinnamon rolls look really great too. The dip turned quiche sounds good too, I really need to check out Chloe's cookbook! Would you say most of the recipes are clean and healthy?

  2. All these delicious foods are making me hungry. Thanks for sharing your yummy meals.
    Seattle Beauty Fashion Blog

  3. I loved the broccoli salad! Thanks for posting the recipe....I am making it this weekend!

  4. wow! what a delicious bunch of eats!! especially the raw tart and the pesto pasta! i LOVE pesto! and congrats on your nomination! thanks for sharing!

  5. What brand of Chai Tea do you use?

    1. It's whatever the store Sprouts sells in their bulk section of teas. So maybe it is their own blend! It's an organic loose leaf one so if you don't have a Sprouts near you, I'd just go for any brand of that.


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