Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Polish & Sugarland

I updated my blog sale BIG TIME with lots of nail polish and a few Julep goodies. Check it out!

I love purple nail polish. I have no idea why because it's not normally a colour I am drawn to but for some reason I just love it on my fingers.  Here we have Spoiled "Are Mermaids Real" and Julep "Morgan".   "Are Mermaids Real" is purple with very obvious gold shimmer. "Morgan" is a very rich purple with a violet sheen. Sorry about the tip wear, this was a day or so in.

I saw Sugarland in concert recently, for free (they gave away some tickets to military members) with a friend of mine. So much fun! We'd actually seen her perform live before. They are soo great live; tons of energy and Jennifer Nettle's voice is just amazing. Highly recommend!  Here's just a quick look at what I wore (hey, I don't own cowboy boots or a cowboy hat!) and a couple not so great pictures haha

smokey brown eyes

(boots Jeffrey Campbell, dress Target)


  1. love those boots!

  2. I love purples too! I've been trying to branch out lately though. The smokey eyes look so pretty and that dress is so cute!


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