Saturday, July 21, 2012

Rainbow Cleanse

Just wrapped up a 5 day juice cleanse so no food to share! I will share the juices I had though. I came up with them on my own. I call this the Rainbow Cleanse because I named each drink after a colour. I also drank them in the same order each day, choosing between green 1 or 2. It went orange, red, green, yellow, purple, white.I had the homemade almond milk on days 2 and 3 only. I also had a coconut water today and Yogi Peach Detox tea last night.  Oh and each morning I had water with Bragg's apple cider vinegar in it.

I had this Sunday night as my pre-cleanse meal. Yummm. Veggies + hummus. I actually had this for dinner on Saturday too, at a restaurant.

this cleanse was pretty inexpensive. I already had oranges, grapefruit and a few things. It was probably around $50 all together.

1/2 or whole grapefruit peeled
1/2 lemon peeled
1" piece ginger (optional)
1 orange bell pepper no core
3-4 carrots
2 celery
1 orange peeled

2 golden delicious or gala apples
1/4 carrot
1/2 stick celery
1-2 large handfuls of mixed leafy greens (kale, spinach, dandelion, watercress etc)
2" piece of cucumber
1 broccoli stem (not the whole broccoli, just one stem lol)
1 handful alfalfa sprouts
1/4 beet make sure you wash it very very well
1/4 zucchini/courgette
1/2 lemon peeled
1/4" slice of ginger
serve with ice cubes if you like

Green #1
1/2 medium cucumber
1 pear
1/2" ginger
1 orange peeled
1 cup fresh spinach
1 cup kale or other leafy green
1/2 cup fresh parsley

Green #2
1 green apple
1 lime (or 1/2 large)
1/2 cucumber
3 or so basil leaves
5 or so mint leaves

also made this one day:  spinach, red leaf lettuce, broccoli, mint leaves, blueberries, grapes, pear, cucumber, alfalfa sprouts and basil. 

2 golden delicious or gala apples
1 carrot
1/2 lemon
1/2 yellow bell pepper no core
1/4 cucumber
1-2 pieces broccoli including stem
1 slice beet (optional) 
serve on ice if you like

2 Granny Smith apples
1.5 cups seedless grapes (red or green)
up to 1/4 head of purple cabbage
1 thin wedge of lemon

My froth came out like an angel one day! haha

 White (optional)
1 cup almonds
3 or so cups filtered water (depends on your taste preference)
follow almond milk directions found in the "5 day juice/nut milk cleanse" document/file

Lost about 4lbs, less than my previous cleanses. I had put on a few pounds this month because I drank a lot more than usual so I'm hoping to keep that off in the long run. Enjoyed my slimmer than usual stomach today at a pool party haha I don't cleanse for weightloss though, it's not a goal of mine. It can work for weightloss if you majorly change your diet after from what it was prior. I do plan on making a point to eat even more clean. I also just ordered Crazy Sexy Diet by Kriss Carr so eventually I plan on doing her 21 day cleanse!  For more info on cleanses I've done just use the search bar! :)

before/after cleanse


  1. i just found your blog :D and i am going to try all :) hope it works for me :)


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