Sunday, August 19, 2012


I recently bought these Western style boots at Burlington Coat Factory. They were $19.99 and I had a 20% off coupon so quite a steal! I love them. I think they add some personality to the outfit and really, isn't that what a pair of shoes should do? Well, besides the more practical act of protecting your feet.

I'd forgotten I'd altered these shorts to fit! They are a favourite now. The shirt is altered too because one day I found a huge hole in it! No idea how it got there but my solution was just to chop off the border that was at the bottom. So the sweater is much more cropped now and I mostly wear it around the house but I actually really like it with this outfit. It gives it a grungy look, I think.  I guess the moral of this story paragraph is waste not want not!

(shorts thrifted/DIY, sweater Target/DIY, boots Burlington Coat Factory)

 I did a second bold/statement lip look. This time I used Wet n Wild "Purty Permmison" which is an orange red shade. I really love the Wet n Wild line of matte lipsticks; I own quite a few and love them.


  1. They look so cute!! And damn girl you look great! Those calves, wow! The makeup shots are lovely too, they bottom two are really gorgeous beauty shots of you.


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