Saturday, August 9, 2014

Outfit: Black Maxi

Once upon a time I would have shied away from this dress. Instead of feeling like it hugged my curves, I would have thought it just didn't flatter my body. I'm pretty picky about fit but there's a difference between wearing clothes that fit and just trying to hide your body. Don't hide. Life is too short for that! Embrace what you have and dress it as it deserves.  I'm proud of my curves and my muscles.  They tell a story.  They make me feel womanly, strong, confident and so many other things.  Every day you have the choice of having a positive or a negative attitude. Same goes for how you see your body. Sure, I could pick out the details I don't like about my appearance and pick at them but why waste time being negative?  Life is more enjoyable when you have a good attitude!  Chase those goals of yours but don't forget to love yourself along the way. 

This dress is crazy comfortable and I love it's simplicit. This was the first time I'd worn it with a belt and I liked it although it took away some of that comfort factor.  I definitely see this dress getting more wear in the Fall when I can layer it!


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