Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Day at the Fair

On Sunday I went to my very first Renaissance Fair, along with my husband and another couple that we are good friends with! It was so much fun. I want to go again next year!  So many people were in character and were so friendly and hilarious. They had a lot for kids but just as much for adults like entertainment that was only for adults (it was very sexual) and the pub crawl which we did.  It was a pretty expensive day but for such a unique experience it really felt worth it. It wasn't what I expected either so if you've never had any interest in going to one, you may want to reconsider!

Also, here's the Easter mani I forgot to post!

It later turned into this but I took it off because it just didn't seem to all work together. I did love the yellow floral nails though.


  1. That looks so fun! I love the mustaches, that's hilarious! I have always wanted to go to a Renaissance fair, I just need to find people to go with me!


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