Friday, April 27, 2012

Husband's Lunch + Before/After

I'm sitting here icing my lower back with a towel on my head after a hot bath. Yep, hurt my back this morning. I was using a foam roller and rolled over to do my other side when I felt a sharp pain. Pretty soon that pain spread and now the right side of my lower back hurts pretty bad. Hopefully it'll feel better soon! No running or workout today though.

I have a few food items to share but I've been on a juice cleanse since Tuesday so it's been mostly juice around here. I did still cook for my husband but I didn't take pictures. I did, however, take pictures of the lunches I packed him twice this week! I thought that could be something interesting and different to share.  

It's slim pickings for a Marine on base, mostly fast food joints and the grocery stores aren't too close by but I always pack my husband's lunches. He likes a mix of fruit, veggies, carbs and protein of course! He's also vegetarian. He's gone from around 6am to 6pm so he likes me to pack a LOT of food. We both like to eat every few hours, so I can understand that. Plus he works out with his Marines so he needs the calories. Sometimes I have to remind myself that men need more calories... because if it were me that "lunch" would be smaller. He does usually eat breakfast before he leaves for work and then I have dinner ready for him when he gets home. Keep in mind that I wasn't baking/cooking much this week.

Leftover homemade potatoes with a bit of buffalo sauce, raw mixed nuts, fruit, coconut water (yes, I reuse those kombucha bottles!) and leftover veggie curry with brown rice.

Pineapple and watermelon, almond butter and jam sandwich on sprouted bread (he has been requesting this lately), ProBar Superfood Slam, fruit, leftover buffalo chickpea taco with spinach and avocado and mixed nuts.

Here is some food I made this past week.

Bagels are an indulgence for me. I hadn't had one in a while! I will get around to making them myself eventually...

Homemade chipotle chili over homemade fries with corn and a bit of Daiya (which I have had for months! I don't eat it a lot haha)

Egg scramble for husband and tofu scramble for me :)

Juice cleanse haul! I bought spinach later.

Our fridge this past week.

I made this vegan "chicken" noodle soup. My husband ate three bowls of it! He did save me a little so I can try it later.  I used this recipe but tofu instead of the faux chicken.

I'll share my juice cleanse later, maybe Sunday, after it is finished.

Do you like before/after weightloss pictures? I think they can be very inspiring and motivating. I hit my goal weight last Fall/Winter sometime so I haven't been trying to lose weight (although I have. I've lost another 10lbs since becoming vegan and with exercise) but I have been working on achieving a more fit, toned and even muscular physique. So I really like the before/after pictures where you can tell the person not only worked on their diet but also their fitness!

Yes, diet is also very important but fitness definitely has its place. A toned body can appear smaller but actually weigh more since muscle weighs more than fat.

Look how much more toned she is
Only 10lbs but looks like much more!
Lots of weightloss but look at that muscle definition. That doesn't come with just losing weight.
Check out those guns!
This is over the course of 6 years. From 30% body for to just 12%.  Being fit is not a race! She's a fitness model now.
19lbs but look at the body fat!
Heck yeah!
That's right, same weight in both pictures!
9lbs lost.
Muscle gain without weightloss. Love this one. She went from having an ED to getting healthy and fit!
Before exercise/eating well and after.

I found these on Tumblr/Pinterest an unfortunately don't know who they all are!

This one is me. The "before" is last August when I reached my goal weight of 150lbs (once upon a time I was 195lbs!) where after "after" is!  Like I said, I did lose another 10 or so pounds but I also worked my ass off in the gym. I started running more, increasing my weight, mixing up my exercises, juicing (I bought my juicer last August haha) etc.  What makes me happy is that I wasn't trying to lose weight, I was just focused on treating my body the best I could and this was the result. I am more toned, strong and my stomach is much flatter. I find I rarely get bloated with the way I eat now, which feels soo much better!

Honestly, I hadn't realized just how different my body looks now until I saw these pictures. I mean, I knew...but it's different when you see it like this. Well, actually, I hadn't realized my thighs had shrunk that much! I always encourage anyone who is trying to lose/gain weight/muscle whatever to take before/after pictures!

Don't mind my uneven tan haha Oh and the bikinis are the same I just turned the bottoms into scrunch ones recently although I haven't taken them in yet so they are far too big on me. And I don't know why the "before" pictures are so much more blurry.

I was going to link up the video that shows my weightloss journey (60lbs total) but some images aren't working so I'll have to fix that.


  1. Congratulations on the weight loss. you look good :)

  2. Wow Sophie, you look beautiful and the most important thing is that you feel good!I am so with you, I get really motivated from before and after photos and I love that you discuss the fact that the weight may be the same or there may be a small change but the measurement change is huge. That's really important and I can get discouraged when I don't see results on the scale even if I know I'm gaining muscle and my measurements are changing.

    The meals your pack your hubby look great! I love your juice cleanse haul. It is so colorful and pretty and I bet you make some great juices! The soup sounds good too, I really want to try making vegan chicken (gf) noodle soup!

    Oh and I sent out your giveaway winnings today! Should be there in a week :)

    1. Oooh PS I got my Beach Babe DVD today! I'm going to try a workout on Monday, I'll let you know how it is!


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