Saturday, April 28, 2012

Lazy Flakes

It's a lazy Saturday around here. Well, my husband had to go do something work re-lated at 6am so that wasn't lazy but since then we haven't done much. He's been playing The Witcher and I've been juicing, painting my nails, reading and walking my dog...

(shorts Wet Seal/DIY, shirt Target, sandals Old Navy) 

I added the pockets you see to the shorts. I just cut them from a different pair of jeans and sewed them on below the real pockets. :)

 I made those skinny bracelets yesterday while resting my back (which feels MUCH better today, yay!) using this tutorial. They are SO easy! The thick one is actually a necklace from Target I once got on clearance for $3. The one on the bottom is new and I got it at H&M.

At the mall recently, I managed to kill a lemming (that sounds way violent but lemming = something you've been wanting) in the form of NYX "Gilded Glitter" polish. Here I'm wearing it over the gorgeous Zoya "Cynthia" which is this dark dark blue with a hint of green. I got it on Copious for free or something. I love this look! "Gilded Glitter" has tiny gold glitter and then flakes of different sizes. I love flakes.

and matte!


  1. I'm glad your back is feeling better! I love lazy Saturdays :) The outfit is super cute as always and the nails look great! Love the bracelets, I definitely need to make some soon! I see a trip to Michael's in my future ;)


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