Sunday, April 29, 2012


These pictures are from almost a week ago! Last Monday, I took the train to a restaurant thinking it was the day I was supposed to meet a bunch of ladies (fellow Marine wives) for lunch... uh, no. I was a week early. hahaha So I did some shopping and then met a friend for lunch anyway. Then she dropped me off at the mall and I shopped some more. hehe Husband and I agreed we could each spend a bit of the tax return. We only spent like $60 each though. haha We're really not big spenders.  Anyway, the actual wives get together is tomorrow and I still plan on going. There's going to be, like, 20 of us! I've gone to quite a few meetups now and it's always fun. This one is also at my favourite local restaurant Hill St Cafe :)

Day time smokey eye. I keep it fairly neutral, focusing the darker shadows in the crease/corner.

Zoya "Roxy" is this awesome purple jelly with purple glitter. It is very top coat hungry though! So it looks quite rough here but in person it was super squishy and awesome. I really love this polish. Unfortunately, it did chip quickly.

And my outfit. I loved this outfit! I wore a new top from H&M and a bright belt to balance out the otherwise black outfit. Some lady working in the mall asked why I was so dressed up. Really, people still think blazer = dressed up? Oy.

 (jacket + necklace Burlington Coat Factory, boots Shoe Ocean, jeggings Walmart, belt Target, top H&M)


  1. Oooh everything looks great! You have such a great nail polish collection! :)

    Oh and I DEFINITELY recommend the Tone It Up DVD. It's a little rough production wise but the workouts are tough but fun! ANd just looking at them is motivation! Ha!


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