Monday, April 30, 2012

Unique Blues

Oh blue polishes, how I love you...  I own more blue/teal/turquoise shades than any other colour.

Snagged this one from Claires online. Groupon had a deal a while ago for $13 you got $30 of stuff... well I had Groupon credits so it was free! I only spent like $8 out of pocket. You'll see the order tomorrow!  I got a pack of three polishes like this. How cute is the bottle? It's a bit streaky but so awesomely foil like that I can look past it (and I haaate streaks)! On top I'm wearing NYX "Gilded Glitter" again.  


Next is a polish I was very excited about...Zoya "Zuza"! Such an awesome foil in a unique shade. It's a bit more green in person but still falls into that turquoise category.

Topped it with Fingerpaints "Twisted".  It reminds me of a carnival or something... love!


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