Tuesday, May 15, 2012


My husband and received some pretty shocking news yesterday! Orders to 29 Palms! Marine Corps wants us to move there sometime in July. So soon! This was very unexpected. My husband is trying to sort it out today, talk to people, because it really messes up his career path. I won't go into specific details because it's confusing to anyone who isn't used to the military or doesn't know us but basically he re-enlisted (signed up for another four years) for a certain job (Recon) which he was training for but had to put that on pause due to an injury a few weeks ago. The plan was for him to heal up and then continue with training. Well, if we are sent to 29 Palms (which is about an hour from Palm Springs...very isolated compared to where we are now!) he will no longer be training for that job and will in fact be doing something entirely different (Infantry). Did that sort of make sense? Of course it's normal for military families to be moved, that is just a part of the lifestyle (although Marine families often stay in the place for years. It's not as much moving around as I think a lot of people assume). Even it being last minute and out of the blue isn't too surprising; Marine Corps loves to do things at the last minute. But the fact that this goes against his contract is kind of upsetting. We'll make the best of it, of course. I will be awfully sad to leave this place (I've never lived away from the ocean!) and all of our friends though! We'll see what happens. I'll keep you guys posted!

(shorts H&M, shoes + belt + hair elastic/bracelet Target, bracelet Closet, tshirt Hanes)

 I love love these Goodie hair elastics that double as a cute bracelet. I recently picked up another set of blue/silver ones (previously bought the black/gold) plus the headband/necklace ones. They are comfortable and cute.  $5/pkg.

I love my Urban Decay 24/7 Shadow Pencils so much. The colour applies so easily and does not budge. You can use them as a shadow but they do not blend a ton so you have to be careful. I prefer them as a thick eyeliner. Today I wanted a thinner line along my lashes so I used an angled brush which I rubbed the 24/7 stick onto. I was really happy with the results. Milani has some similar ones out now; I have my eye on the green one.

Don't mind the mega shine. I didn't realize how poor the quality of these pictures was until I uploaded them!


  1. I think you guys definitely have a case to fight this if it was in his reenlistment contract to do recon specially and not infantry. Goodluck!

  2. Yikes, that really is shocking! I hope that he can get everything sorted out and back on the path that he originally chose. Best of luck to both of you in this situation! I can't imagine being told to move at the drop of a hat. I know you'll both make the best of it though!

  3. I actually have several friends that live in 29 Palms - I hear it's not so bad, although living by the ocean is the best. Fingers crossed everything works out for you guys!


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