Monday, May 7, 2012


Well, this weekend was interesting! On Saturday afternoon, I was opening a mature brown coconut and while removing the peel with a knife my hand slipped, slicing my thumb open. I'd never cut myself so badly! My husband was at the gym (ju jitsu) and left his phone in the car so I had to get a friend to drive over there (I don't drive) and tell him to come get me so we could go to the hospital. haha It didn't bleed for long but I was in a ton of pain! I guess I was in shock at first because I thought I was going to pass out. Anyway, we went to the ER and they eventually wrapped it up...then after FIVE HOURS of waiting (and I was on the "fast track"!) I was finally seen. I got two stitches! It was really painful (at least the prep + numbing, not the actual stitches) and I was happy I had my husband's hand to hold, haha.  I'd never been to the ER or had stitches before though.  Anyway, I just have to take care of the stitches/wound for the next week or so until I get the stitches out. The pain isn't too bad now as long as I don't use/bend my thumb at all...which is annoying.  We did go to a party (and to watch UFC) at a friends place afterwards because I figured we should go have fun after 5 hours of sitting in a waiting room lol And we had a ton of fun! On Sunday we ran errands and then had a nice dinner at BJs. So at least we ended the weekend on a good note!

Got the coconut water/milk
Got it open and removed almost all of the pulp (I was not using that big knife to remove the pulp, it was a smaller serrated one)
after the ER visit with my stitches

 Yeah, from now on I'll stick with young fresh coconuts....much easier to de-pulp. :/

I haven't been doing as much freehand nail art lately so I decided to do some tribal nails. They are far from perfect but I kind of like the imperfections. This is before my lil accident lol

 I picked up this blouse at Closet for around $13 before meeting a friend for lunch a couple weeks ago. I love it! I'm a sucker for anything sheer as well as a collar. I like the black accents, long sleeves and the trapeze fit.

 (shirt Closet, tank Shimmer, boots Old Navy, jeans Target)


  1. ouch!!!

    I love your tribal nails :) I've been wanting to try them myself. Maybe this week will be the week to do it! Thanks for the inspiration :)

  2. Ouch that sounds painful! A 5 hour wait sounds pretty painful too! At least you got to enjoy yourself after. How great were those fights!? Pretty exciting stuff!

    Glad that you got it taken care of and I'm sorry that you had to go through that.


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