Saturday, June 23, 2012

Dig in

Alright, Malware warning seems to be gone and my bloglist is all cleaned up! I needed to go through it anyway but man, that took a while.

Onto the food.

snacked on fruit a lot this week. typically summer snack.


papaya. I wasn't sure if I'd had one... tried it and it didn't seem familiar! I like it though.

lots of smoothies like this pina colada one this week

this really is THE perfect veggie burger recipe. I love it! my husband does too.

 a cold coffee drink 


this soup + black beans = delicious!

I'm weird and like to add cereal to my oatmeal. it looks gross but I swear it's delicious!

grilled hummus veggie sandwich. had two variations of this during the week.

love love this salad!

finally bought a sushi mat and nori to make rolls! they were delicious! I did a mix of brown rice and quinoa then added cucumber, red pepper, carrot and sweet potato.

raw blizzard but I put the bananas through my Omega juicer first and then followed the recipe. well, I shouldn't have added the milk after doing it that way because then it was too runny. I added cherries and chocolate chips! great recipe though.

Trader Joe's orange "chicken" with brown rice/quinoa, red peppers, broccoli and peas

snacking on fruit again in my new favourite bowl (from Target)

that's peanut butter, not hummus haha these banana nut waffles are great, even on their own!

wheatgrass shots

I love this Trader Joes popcorn!! it's so addicting. I'll have to try making it at home (I have a popcorn maker)...maybe I can skip or cutback on the oil to make it healthier. 

burger again. nom nom. I cooked up all the patties on the first night and then froze the leftovers. for these ones I reheated them on the grill and it worked great! they were even less mushy! so I recommend making some to freeze.

cauliflower rolls with avocado, cucumber and vegan cream cheese

cauliflower hot "wings" (we didn't have buffalo sauce)

crepes (or creeps as my husband likes to call them haha) with papaya and coconut or hot apples and peanut butter. yum!


  1. Yummy looking meals! I think cereal in the oatmeal sounds good! That strawberry smoothie looks really great and refreshing and the blizzard sounds good! Cherry and chocolate is such a great combo :) Banana nut waffles sound so good!


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