Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday Foodie... on Friday!

It may be 6pm but at least I got this post up on Friday!

Really enjoying our grill! My father in law got it for us towards the end of last summer. This was veggie and "chicken" burgers with asparagus, onion and rosemary potato wedges. The potatoes were the best!

tofu scramble with avocado

Last weekend we drove 2 hours north to visit family who was in town for my husband's aunt/uncle's Salvation Army graduation. We like to start off our roadtrips with Starbucks since we rarely have it, hehe. This was a soy chai frap!

We picked up a few things at Trader Joes in case the places we were at weren't vegan/veg friendly (there were some free meals put on by the Salvation Army- they did actually have a vegetarian sandwhich one day but I didn't have it since I wasn't quite sure the bread would be vegan). These were really good!

We had lunch at Islands where I ordered the veggie tacos without cheese. Pretty yummy. I love me a veggie taco. The fries were a bit too salty (I'm not a big salt fan) but still good. 

On the free Salvation Army lunch day I actually brought Subway which worked out since what they were serving were basically subs haha This is a veggie sub on flatbread with vinegar. 

My husband and I on the trip. It was a quick two day trip with a lot of driving and sitting but it was great to see family. I'm lucky to have both a great family of my own as well as great inlaws!  I didn't wear that shirt that day, just changed into it in the evening not knowing there'd be a photo op later ;)

When we got home, we had a late dinner. I made pancakes just because it was easy! Well, that, and delicious.

Green juice

Wrap using leftover salad, veggies and cauliflower queso

Protein cookies. These don't have any flour! Instead they have chickpeas and protein powder. Unfortunately, I found the stevia in my protein powder really overpowering in these. I'm not a big fan of the taste of stevia but normally it's pretty subtle when I add my powder to a smoothie (with banana). I did like the chickpea base though so I will have to experiment with that! My husband really liked these. Of course, I can't find the recipe now... but if you Google "chickpea protein cookies" there are plenty! I think it was chickpeas, water, maple syrup, chocolate chips (I used mini ones) and protein powder. 

Quesadilla using the cauliflower queso. The stuff is tasty but it doesn't taste like queso. It just tastes like roasted cauliflower to me. haha

Made some white pita pockets. They were pretty good but I made better ones later! 

Mostly ate them stuffed with this salad. For some reason, I loved this combo!

Tried out the Gardein beefless...things. They are pretty ugly! Like chunks of beef. I had them with a veggie stir fry and brown rice. They tasted pretty good but I like to limit my faux meats/cheeses so I only buy what I LOVE and probably won't buy these again at least not for myself.

I finally bought a new waffle maker! Mine broke well over a year ago. I just kept waiting to find a great deal at the right time. Well, Kohl's had this one marked down to under $17 and it had pretty great reviews. It's just plastic but I will say, it worked great. It was fast, easy to clean, easy to use... the lights made it easy to know when it was done.  My previous ones weren't Belgium waffles and that's not what I grew up with either but they sure are good! I froze a bunch for easy quick breakfasts (just pop 'em in the toaster oven). Oh I used this recipe (that site is all vegan waffle recipes!) but I used water for half of the milk...because I didn't have enough milk haha They were a bit dense but still tasted great. 

Grilled again. This time it was veggie chips, bell pepper, onion (which came out amazing), sunburst squash (also very good), asparagus and bbq tofu. yum!

Today I made these whole wheat pitas and while the whole ball forming thing didn't make a ton of sense to me (I did my best to do what I thought she was saying) they turned out great! These completely puffed up instead of just in some parts like the other recipe. I used all whole wheat flour. They are crispier and you can roll them pretty thin.

Tonight I had something I haven't had since becoming vegan... Dominoes. With the code 50OFF pizzas are 50% off when you order online (until Sunday). I was able to get two medium pizzas for under $16, not bad. The pizza sauce and thin crust are vegan. I got banana peppers (which were sour not spicy and I loved them!), olives, roasted peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms and pineapple.  I added a bit of BBQ sauce. It's really tasty and not greasy or heavy at all. I just never order it because at full price I think it's way overpriced for just veggies, sauce and bread!  They don't discount you for not having cheese since that is free. Oh, funny story. After I placed the order online, they called me to ask if I was sure I didn't want cheese! haha They thought I must have done that by mistake. 

I'm almost two weeks into Insanity and loving it! Boy, those workouts kick your ass. They push me really hard for 40min. I love plyometrics though so I am enjoying them. And I like that the videos change for the second half so I won't get too bored.  

I got these new workout pants at Target the other day as my reward for completing the 10K mud run. I wasn't going to buy ones from Target but I fell in love with these once I tried them on. They are C9 by Chamption (there is a coupon on for a few bucks off! I forget if it's $2 or $5) and cost $35.99.  They are grey but don't show sweat which is always my fear with grey pants. I'm totally okay with sweat showing on my shirt but I don't want to be seeing any butt sweat! haha They are super stretchy in every direction so they are very comfortable and just kinda hug your body, holding everything in. They are reversible! Same grey either way except one way it has a purple band at the top and the other way it doesn't. They also have a hidden pocket which fits my keys and is great for when I run with my dog. I ran 4 miles in these the other day and felt great. They breathed so well! It was sunny out but legs didn't get hot or anything. I wish they had more colours... I'd probably pick up another pair!  Just looked online and they also come in black and there are different band colours! The real test will be seeing how well these last though. I'm not sure what the quality is like but they are made of jersey/nylon. I way prefer these over the foldover capri type I was wearing before from Old Navy and Victoria's Secret. I don't have a good butt shot but these capris work wonders for the rear end view! haha I feel like Insanity is giving me a butt lift is already perkier! 

The hoodie is from Old Navy and I was only wearing it because it was cold out haha I don't work out in sweaters. The top is also C9 by Champion and from Target. Find it here.  My shoes are Minimus by New Balance and I looove them. I got them last September and they have been amazing.


  1. what a great week of eats! those grilled veggies look incredible! and so do those pancakes! yum! thanks for sharing!


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