Sunday, June 24, 2012


The weather is so nice lately. Sunny, hot but with a breeze. The kind of weather where you can actually be active outdoors without sweating buckets (which will not be the case in a couple months).  Actually, my husband and I went for a hike with our dog over the weekend and really enjoyed it!  Hoping to do that many more times this summer. I'm used to hiking in the forest since I'm from BC, Canada so hiking around here in the dessert always feels kind of odd. But hey, I'll take what I can get. I've just always loved being outdoors.

 (top + shoes Target, shorts Forever 21)

 New shoes! I'm a bit of a shoe addict this year! I think I've bought at least one new pair each month. I never spend more than $25 though so it's not like I'm breaking the bank. These were on clearance for $20ish from Target. They fit a bit loose in the sides but I like them. They are actually a light camel brown colour not the dark shade you see above.  I think the loafer style will be sticking around for a while.  Hopefully. I have three pairs now.

 I tried something new (to me) with crackle the other day. I don't love the polishes I chose but I do like the overall idea.

FYI this pretty metallic will be up for sale in my shop soon!


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