Tuesday, June 5, 2012


A day late. Bugger. I am a bit behind on posting right now! Husband and I are up early (6am..normal for him but not so much for me!) to get started on our weekend.  We're dropping our dog off at a friends house and then heading up to LA to spend the night with family. My husband's aunt and uncle live about 2 hours away; they work for the Salvation Army church. I guess they are finishing up there this weekend and finding out where they will be sent to next. So Jake's mom, grandparents, cousins and other aunt are all spending the weekend there. I'm glad we're able to join them! I love being around family so I'm sure it'll be a good weekend. The great weather doesn't hurt!

Insanity has been going well and I'm hoping to fit in the workout this morning along with a run (with my dog) before we leave in a few hours. My husband has to go get an oil change done so I guess it works out.  Anyway, onto the food!

groceries this week which we are still working on

I've been grilling a lot more. Here's a "chicken" sandwich.
Another night I did these Sprouts kabobs and then we ate them kinda fajita style
These are great on the grill! Just slice open the banana, add some pb and chocolate chips and cook until the chocolate begins to melt.
Avocado pasta with roasted veggies.
I made these pretty legit chocolate chip cookies. I was trying to find a vegan recipe that tasted the most like a traditional one. These were a bit too puffy when first cooked but the taste was pretty spot on. The dough was delicious too hehe
Snacked on a red mango. Yummmm.
I have been eating salads everyday! This was a really yummy one using salsa and jalepeno cilantro hummus as the sort of dressing.
I made Three Grain Bread from 1000 Vegan Recipes. It was tasty but didn't rise enough. Hmm...

Jambalaya recipe from Peas and Thank You cookbook. Pretty tasty.
I looove this black bean soup from The New Vegan cookbook!
Juice 1 celery, 2 small apples, 1 small lime, 1/3 cucumber and then blend it with 1/2 avocado and ice. Sounds weird but it's actually delicious!
These date balls taste like raw oatmeal chocolate chip cookie dough with just a hint of date. Delicious.
I invented a cookie using leftover almond pulp (from making almond milk)! Stay tuned for that.
Oh She Glows quinoa black bean salad and kale salad. Really tasty! The kale was good the next day too since it doesn't wilt quickly or get soggy.
My husband's forkful had eyes! hahaha
Grilled burgers along with asparagus and fries last night. These fries are bomb.

On Sunday I competed in the Camp Pendleton World Famous 10K Mud Run. So much fun!! I can't wait to do this one again. I'm very glad I trained because this was a pretty tough run, lots and lots of hills. There was sand, muddy water, deep mud, 5ft walls, hoses spraying you etc. haha I finished in 1:19. Not bad but I wish I would have been fast on the steep downhills. I was too afraid of falling since it was a mixture of dirt/loose rocks so that slowed me down a lot. I definitely could have shaved off some time there. Oh well, next time! It really was a blast. 

These photos are from the official Facebook page. 

what we crawled through on our bellies to the end hehe
tunnels to crawl though
showers afterwards!
Marines + horses to start us off! There were 1600+ people in EACH wave! Crazy. It was very well organized though. The fastest guy finished in 38min, how insane is that!? My husband did it in under an hour wearing boots (Marines could do it in civilian clothes or "boots and utes" which is their cammie trousers, pt tshirt and combat boots). 

Here are my pictures.

Put on by MARSOC; Marine Corps special forces. My husband tried to join a while back, made it through the insane "try outs" (I try to avoid using too much military jargon with people who I know probably don't understand it haha) but wasn't actually selected to join.
So many people! This was bag check. They have a whole party with live bands that is free for anyone.
MARSOC tents
The showers before the race
Colors and the national anthem being sung.
Finish line (says so on the other side of "start")
My friends and I before/after running! We look less muddy because they have hoses that spray you at the end which washes off some mud. There is more mud on us than you can see here though. :P Oh and I made that shirt! Well, the print anyway. I wrote up a tutorial here.


  1. Yay! Glad to find another runner in blogosphere. That red mango looks so fresh and yummy.

  2. SO many great things in this post Sophie! How great that you were able to spend some time with family. It's always nice to get together with family :) Your meals all look amazing! I'm craving mango now too ;) Great job with the mud run! It sounds like fun and really tough too but you are tough so of course you did well :) Great post!

    1. This post is actually from way back in June haha It somehow got accidentally bumped up to today! Not sure how that happened. But thanks! :D


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