Friday, March 27, 2015

Wishlist - Teething/Nursing Necklaces

I haven't even had my baby yet and I'm already looking at teething necklaces haha From what I've been told, babies start showing interest in this style of jewelry by 3 months. For nursing (bottle or breast) these necklaces help develop baby's fine motor skills as well as provide some always welcomed distraction. For babes who are teething, they'll find comfort in gnawing on a necklace. These necklaces can be made from various materials but silicone, wood and yarn seem to be quite common.  I initially thought they were a clever but ugly idea but have since changed my mind! There are a lot of great looking teething necklaces out there!  So I've rounded up a few of my favourites to share with you all.

1. NomNomNecklaces  2. BabesNBabies  3, 4. BEBEandMEbeads  5. Bubuline  6. AmazingDay  7. LeBebeUK  8. kyklo


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