Sunday, April 19, 2015

Pregnancy Update: 39 Weeks

I didn't realize the last time I did this I was only 26 weeks! Geez, time flies! I'm in the home stretch now!

39 weeks

cravings:  I do find I'll get very specific cravings now but I honestly ignore them more of the time since it's rarely for something healthy haha I find I'll want, say, cookies really bad but then once I get to the store I end up not buying them. Then again, I ate two pints of ice cream this week...

weight gain: 26lbs.  I know 25-35lbs is generally recommended (if you were at a healthy weight prior to becoming pregnant) so I feel good about where I'm at.  It's been going up and down the past few weeks so I suspect 26lbs is where I will remain.

comments:  More people ask me how much longer I have now and the other day someone asked if I was having a boy (because he has dropped some and I'm now carrying low which people associate with carrying a boy). 

fears:  I actually feel pretty calm about everything. I'm slightly nervous about the pain just not knowing how intense it'll be or how long it'll last overall but obviously since I have planned for a natural birth, I have planned to handle it myself and I truly believe I can.  I had some fears about things going wrong and having to go to the hospital (instead of the birth center) but now I'm more in a place of acceptance. I can only control so much so I just have to go with it. No matter what happens, it is my baby's birth story and I will embrace it.

general mood: So emotional! haha I'm already mourning the loss of my bump and I haven't even had my baby yet! At the same time, I'm so excited for him to finally be here.  I do find myself getting easily annoyed by things/people lately but I try not to speak on it most of the time, knowing that it's just me being hormonal. I'm also feeling a lot less comfortable physically, as expected.

things I was surprised by: I guess I hadn't expected the baby to drop as early as 36 weeks even though I now know that's quite normal.  I didn't realize it could happen weeks before you actually go into labour. I get sharp pains from his head pressing against my cervix and such now. I'm also surprised I don't have to get up to pee more at night. I was averaging once a night and now it's usually twice but I expected it to be more! I pee pretty much every hour during the day haha

things I am most looking forward to:  My parents visit in a couple weeks and I'm very excited to see them and for them to meet the baby (since he has to arrive by 42 weeks which is before they'll be leaving here). I'm also excited to eventually wear regular pants again haha I know weightloss and all that will be a process but as much as I LOVE my bump, part of me is definitely looking forward to not having it I guess.  I look forward to getting back into really working out hard again too (not right away obviously!)!  Of course I am most looking forward to having this baby home and also seeing my husband as a father. We finished up our baby classes and I can tell he's feeling a little more confident now. I've had 10 months of bonding with this baby but I think it's different for the father you know?  I just know he's going to be so over the moon when the baby is here and I can't wait to witness that love.

food aversions:  Still none, really.  I mean sometimes I won't be "in the mood" for a certain food but it varies as far as what it is.

shopping for baby: Pretty much done at this point!!  I mean, you're never DONE shopping for a baby haha but I feel like we have everything we need at this point. I've been buying some postpartum stuff for me lately (still need a nursing cami).  I could be forgetting some things but we'll see!

maternity clothes: I bought some denim shorts at Baby Depot for cheap so it's been nice to have those with the weather warming up. I think everything else has been non maternity. This maxi skirt has been a favourite lately. 


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