Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Beckett: 2 Months

2 months old! This past month Beckett got to meet some more family. He hadn't been held by anyone other than my husband and I since he was a day old so it was a fairly new experience for him! He did really well though. He's very interested in people now.  It's so cute to see him stare at someone (like a cashier in a grocery store) and react to them.  He's definitely becoming much more interactive which is fun! He generally likes to be in motion so there's lots of bouncing, walking, standing etc going on here. haha

2 months:
- Coos a lot more (ooh, ahh, ga, ma)
- Reacts to people's facial expressions and sounds
- Follows people/objects with his eyes
- Enjoys his activity mat and hitting the toys
- Loves to be held so that he's standing or sitting upright
- Enjoys being held up in the air
- Sucks on his hands a lot
- Loves to kick and push things with his feet
- Likes his Wubbanub soother
- Asleep in his cosleeper crib around 9:30pm and up at 7am (sometimes 6am or 8am)
- Still sleeps swaddled in Miracle Blanket


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