Thursday, August 27, 2015


It seems like everywhere you turn, someone is talking about clean eating. Myself included. I love using the hashtag #eatclean online (mostly on Instagram).  The thing with clean eating is that it isn't super strictly defined so it really does vary depending on the individual. You have to find YOUR balance and what works for YOU. A lot of people follow an 80/20 guideline.... 80% clean foods and 20% not. That might work for you or you may have to tweak it.  

So what is eating clean? No, it doesn’t mean you are eating food that has been run through the dishwasher, although it is a good idea to use a veggie wash on all of your produce before you eat it. Clean eating is all about being aware of the path your food had to go through from growth to your plate. It is focusing on the consumption of whole or real food and the reduction or elimination of processed, refined, or handled food from your diet. The closer to the its natural state, the "cleaner" it is. 

Clean eating may sound easy to do, but with the convenience of fast food, and modern grocery stores offering so many processed options and unhealthy foods that do not require any preparation, there is temptation at every turn. So WHY is eating clean worth the hassle? Is it really worth the extra money and sometimes the extra preparation time? In one word – YES, and it can actually be quite simple to do too!

By eating raw, organic fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and good fats, the benefits go far beyond just weight loss. Eating clean promotes natural detoxification in the body and supports liver function. Simply put, the less “junk” clogging up your system, the less your body and specifically your liver has to work to eliminate waste and toxins in your body. 

When you eat clean, you substantially improve how well your systems function. This translates into more energy and improved cognitive abilities, immune system functioning, mental state, skin, and hair. Who doesn’t want better skin and hair? When you clean up your insides, your outsides are sure to glow! Doesn’t that sound amazing?  

If the benefits of eating clean don’t entice you, the downside of NOT eating clean will at least make you rethink your diet. The implications and problems associated with eating processed and unnatural foods are enormous. 

Processed foods are loaded with genetically modified organisms (GMOs). GMOs have been linked to several major health issues such as cancer, diabetes, and infertility to name a few. Processed foods are also full of chemicals that are void of nutrients, and are often stripped of good vitamins and minerals our bodies need to function properly and help us perform and be at our very best.

So, are you ready to reset your health with clean eating? I know I was after I heard about the consequences of not eating clean! I was so tired of feeling sick and tired, I knew I had to jump off the hamster wheel and get REAL with my food (pun intended).  

Some general tips to remember when eating clean include:
  • limit processed foods (look at the ingredients list. are they whole foods? if not, you may want to skip it!)
  • eat lean meats or plant based sources
  • cut out refined grains (choose whole grains instead like oats, rice, quinoa, millet etc)
  • remove sugars/artificial sweeteners
  • reduce or eliminate alcohol and tobacco consumption
  • steer clear of anything with too many ingredients you can’t recognize as real food. 
Clean eating also includes drinking more water and increasing fruit and veggie intake. Raw and organic produce are the best options to avoid those nasty pesticides that increase toxicity in the body when consumed.  Filling up on fruits and veggies also keeps you full so you will be less likely to binge on unhealthy foods.

Want to know more? Are you eager to reap the benefits of clean eating yourself?  I can help! 


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